Aug 23, 2024

The profile picture of the blog writer
The profile picture of the blog writer
The profile picture of the blog writer
An illustration resembels a blog elements such as text, quote, article and write symbols.
An illustration resembels a blog elements such as text, quote, article and write symbols.
An illustration resembels a blog elements such as text, quote, article and write symbols.

The professional solution to a best blog website builder.

Gudie to the Best Blog Website Builder in 2024

In this blog post, I will guide you to the best solution for design, structure and get published your blog website in 2024.

Honestly, the whole content I'm going to expose through this post is absolutely based on my own experience and knowledge that I achieved when I was developing my this website.

If you wish to, you can visit the page here.

What is a Blog Website?

A blog website is a type of website that primarily focuses on the most updated and relevant data based on the realtime matrix with a wide range of topics embedded with co-related topic links, illustrations, attachments and image or video files.

Each blog post contains relevant information based on a keyword that helps you to rank higher on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) and drive more organic traffic.

Understand that the more you regularly publish latest updates and posts in an optimized format, the more your blog database grows and eventually the website as well.

Before we dive into the primary topic, take a look to pre-settings and the planning phase of your blog website that make easier for you to get started with a best blog website builder in 2024.

Before Get Started

It's always better to make an idea about your goal to achieve it smartly. Here our ultimate aim is to kick start a blog website and we've to plan wisely.

Conducting an elaborated investigation such as the scope of your niche, targeted audience overview, their nature of intent and needs can help you to achieve the desired result faster.

Understand Your Audience

You should priorities your audience as long as you lead a blog website for a specific purpose. Sometimes it could be for the purpose of sharing informative content, improving the visibility of your brand or even generating income as a side hustle.

However, make sure that you have enough audience to pay attention to your content and they can find solution through your high quality content.

Choose a Niche

A niche in other word a topic means, it is a specialized component of a market. You can wisely choose a niche based on the expertise level in a specific area. Make sure that, you have enough background and knowledge to deliver proper information to your audience that helps them to find value.

While choosing a niche, consider your interest and capability on the related topic.

Plan the Content

Almost 90% of the times, you might have to compete with your compatitors to get a wide exposure from SERPs. So, at these moment, you need to plan and organize your blog content in order to shine No.1 in the marketplace.

So, before you kick start, take a look at all of your competitors content that already exist and identify what they lacking off or their weak points. Once you done enough research, you could possibly add extra content with proper structuring and linking to the right solution.

A proper planning makes your workflow way beyond easier. So, planning your blog content may require an extra care or strategic approach. See the step-by-step guide below.

How to Plan a Blog Website


With the proper balancing of color combination and layout styling your blog website would become the good looking one. A well designed website can help to reduce the bounce rate by delivering exceptional user experience which induce the visitors stay on the page or roam around other pages.

Templates for building blog website by using framer

Don't upset at this point. Because, you don't need any designing skill or designing background. More than 200+ pre build designs are waiting for you just a click away. Some of them are free whereas some of them are paid. Choose the best one according to your blog needs.


A typography includes your blog content's font style, size, color, line height, letter spacing, word, paragraph spacing and the whole alignment.

I recommend to use device responsive typography for a better performance. For instance, it is acceptable to use large font styling for desktop devices and small font styling for mobile devices as mobile devices needs to be loaded faster and looks great.

Remember that you only used one font style throughout in your blog page to keep a flow for your audience while they skim and scan on the page. Using two or more font style make your content appears clumsy and also it affect the overall performance of your blog content.


Linking on page to another really make your readers get hooked and positively impact on SEO. Nothing wrong with adding links to your blog post. It could be internal linking or external linking. Navigational linking also enhances user experience without losing the connection between their problem and solution.

So, don't hesitate to add linking to relevant content as it has many benefits. Let your audience know the linked or related topics as well.


How does it feel if your blog content is fully filled with text? pretty boring. Right?

A blog post should have proper balancing of text, images, videos and informational demonstrations to easily adapt the things efficiently.

Moreover, instead of sharing text, visual components get more attention and that can drive more traffic especially from social media platforms. It also indicates and boost up social signal score.

Interactive Elements

You might noticed some king of pop-ups while roaming around a blog page or just before you try to leave a page. This kind of interactive elements enhances the conversion rate.

The main function of an interactive element is a test with your audience. If they find value, they might engage if they didn't they just skip the page.

So, invest actual value in your content and design your interactive pop-ups to yield a better response from your loyal audience.

Call to Action (CTA)

You have the complete right to choose the way you want to invite your audience to take the desired action that you aiming to. A call to action may be in the form of a button, link, or even a form with having wide ranges of intentions such as lead collection, conversion, user behavior tracking, relationship management, social proof and many more.

It's all about understanding your purpose and showcase the most relevant CTA among your audience.

So, that's the key planning stages of your blog website. Now it's time to pick the right one and get started your online journey.

Choose the Best Blog Website Builder

Of course there are a bunch of options to choose your very first blog website builder. But I always priorities the ease of access to manage things, features that make unique from others, SEO capability and optimization of the chosen platform.

Get a complete picture about framer below, and you can decide whether you want to choose the same or need to rethink and perfect match.

About Framer

The new home page of the stunning website builder known as framer

Framer is an all-in-one no-code website builder based in Amsterdam, Netherlands and found back in 2014. The possibilities to design, organize, optimize to all devices and get published your website is much easier when compare to other tools.

Why You Choose Framer?

The most attractive thing and the reason why framer is highly recommended to get started your blog website is, the ease of use. The platform is extremely easy to use, design, collaborate, and optimize even as a beginner.

screenshort of what's inside the framer academy

If you are a complete newbie, and you heard about framer just after landing on this blog page, Framer Academy is here to guide you from the base to advance level. This community will help you out to get familiar with all the basics of Framer.

As I mentioned before, this platform is dynamic and so efficient. Inside the framer CMS (Content Management System), the changes are need to make only once and that reflect on every single page at the same time. If you no longer wish to apply a specific change to selective page or pages, you can also use variables to enable or disable the change you made.

Features of Framer

As every tool has its own functionalities and features, framer also has many stunning features. Here we discuss the most accurate highlights that help you to understand framer better especially as a blog website builder.

  • Responsive Site

framer breakpoints to create interactive websites.

All of your content you can make responsive to any device by utilizing this amazing tool. You don't need to optimize your content for each device. Instead, you can do the tweak only once. Just create three breakpoints for Desktop (1440px), Tablet (810px) and Mobile (390px). If you make any changes on the desktop version the change will be automatically reflected on other two variants. Sounds amazing. Right?

Yes, framer is that much easier to manage and optimize content.

  • Page Design

As I mentioned earlier, you don't need to invest time on designing your web pages unless you have web designing skills. A bunch of pre-build templates are ready to use for free inside the framer marketplace.

Choose the good looking one and you're ready to go.

  • Interactive Content

As framer allows you to use the platform as you wish, you can insert interactive components to your blog page that dramatically boost up your desired goals.

For instance, you can introduce a form to the blog page to collect specific data of the visitors such as first name, email address, phone number, etc. Even the form can be customizable based on the theme or design you choose for your website.

  • Field Types

Field types in framer

You can freely add different types of input fields to your blog page. The cool thing is, any field can be changed to CMS (Content Management System) field by simply clicking on the little + icon on the "Content" tab and choose the appropriate field you want to assign.

  • Filters

Filter dialogue box of framer

This option can help you to sort or narrow out content based on specific keyword or command. Utilizing filtering option is inevitable in CMS if you want to categorize your blog content that make your audience easier to jump into their interested topic.

  • Conditionals

Stipulating condition makes your blog content show or hide dynamically. Specific text or image or any other fields only pop-up when meet certain criteria that you insert on the condition label. This awesome feature can contribute a huge push to improved user experience.

Overall, using conditionals inexplicably improve content relevancy and user experience. That's what all we want on a blog website.

  • Collections

CMS collection interface of framer

Multi collection list is way beyond useful to manage and present different contents in an organized way. For example, you can use one collection for blog posts, another one for product listing in case you're offering any products and other specific purposes as well.

Based on the plan you choose, you can manage collection list size. To get a clear picture, refer to the pricing session below.

  • Variables

Implementing variables to your blog website highly recommended if you wish to deliver an interactive session through your amazing content. On top of that, managing variables also help you to get accomplished designing time frame much shorter.

Moreover, it is a huge time saver while you make updates or tiny changer over your blog content. So, I personally use variables wisely throughout my framer projects, you could too.

Of course, you will be a little bit confused about some terms I mentioned above. It's quite natural. Once you start using this amazing website builder for your blog, everything will be handy for you.

Framer is far beyond easier once to start using it.

What Makes Framer Unique?

I have been using framer both for my website and brand development almost a year now. Based on my real experience, the possibilities inside framer is absolutely infinite. The high-level customization and ease of usability makes this platform stand out from other website builders.

Framer CMS page interface and settings preview

Take a look at to what makes framer the best website builder in 2024.

  • Free to Use

Yes, the entire platform is free to use for the users. You can choose, design, and develop your dream project without investing a single penny in the upfront.

Only you can choose the paid version, when you are ready to go. Of course, if you wish to add your custom domain and remove the "Made in Framer" banner, you should upgrade at least to the Mini plan. Get the full pricing details here.

  • Components

Framer interactive components illustration that animate between variants such as hover and pressed

Framer allows you to create and use one specific element in your website over and over again as the form of a component. Especially, in your blog website you can create component for making the table of content session or lead capturing forms. This can reusable and it ensures consistency and efficiency throughout your project.

  • Custom Code Integration

Sometimes, you may need to insert custom codes to your project. Framer allows you to type or paste code overrides (JavaScript) to extend the functionalities. The custom code session might be useful for you to bring an extra unique interaction to your website.

For instance, in a blog website, the users may express an interest to share their thought in the comment section. Honestly, framer doesn't have a pre-build component for the comment section. In these scenario, you can refer to Framer University where you can watch and learn so many complex code overrides usages in the framer project and that make the website looks great.

The screenshort of the resources inside the framer university

So, the possibilities and opportunities are like an ocean inside the framer.

  • Real-Time Collaboration

Framer allows to share the workspace with multiple developers or team members to manage the designing and developing processes simultaneously. This makes the professionals to get finished their assigned duties recklessly at the minimum vial time frame.

The real-time feedbacks and reviews make the project crystal clear.

  • Framer Supply

It is an awesome website that helps you to find framer supportive components ready to ship to your project. All the supplies are components and you can freely customize it according to your project needs and design pattern.

Are you ready to do copy and paste?

screeenshort of the home page of framer supply

Take a visit to see what you can experience inside.

  • SEO and Performance

SEO settings of framer website pages

As a blog website developer, you should do investigation more at this point to ensure your website load faster and perform better to get ranked higher positions on Search engine result pages (SERPs).

Framer offers Server side rendering feature which greatly impact on your SEO performance to load your website much faster and efficient by simply pre-rendering HTML and CSS files.

What else you need other than a better performing server and host for your website?

  • Community

Support and sharing knowledge each other make a community much stronger. The framer community is massive with having 21.5K members. Almost every query you have, could possibly get resolved through the support from the framer community. You can also see the real-time updates such as bug updates, latest news and what happening around the community on the community tab.

A screenshort of framer community

Join the community of you wish to know latest updates and trends.

That's the tiny round up all you need to know to get started your blog website right now.

Framer Pricing

The pricing of framer is complex. it describe the whole website pricing in their official website. If you wish to, view it here.

But here we're going to explore only about the blog (CMS) pricing as it is our primary priority.

  • Free Plan

Pricing structure of framer free plan

The free plan absolutely cost you $0 and you can post total of 1000 blog posts or listings within 10 CMS collections. The only downside I feel with this plan is you can't get connected with your custom domain.

So, use the free plan for designing and pre-planning purposes only. Once you all set, choose the Basic plan instead of Mini plan. I will explain, why you should skip the Mini plan as a blog website creator.

  • Mini Plan

Pricing structure of framer mini plan

Mini plan starts with as lower as $5 per month range. Honestly, this plan is only suitable for portfolio or hobby sites. Because it gives you the access to create only two pages to your website which are a home page and 404 error page.

Moreover, the Mini plan does not come with even a single CMS collection. So, as our primary focus on developing our niche based blog website, this plan is absolutely not for us. That's why I mentioned earlier, we should have to skip Mini plan.

However, by upgrading to this plan, you can get removed framer banner and get connected with your customer domain.

  • Basic Plan

Pricing structure of framer basic plan

The real game changing plan comes with $15 per month range along with 1 CMS collection containing 1000 blog or listings and 150 custom pages. Total of 1150 pages we can create and publish on the internet by selecting the Basic plan. To collect the lead from your blog content, the plan is way beyond helpful as it allows you to collect 500 form submissions per month.

In my verdict, $15/month is a good investment to go ahead as it provides the most wanted features in a balanced way.

  • Pro Plan

Pricing structure of framer pro plan

When looking into the Pro plan; it brings you the advanced features with higher number in almost everything. To be a Pro plan user, you have to invest $30 every month that allows you to create 10 CMS collection with a total of 10000 blog or listings and 300 custom pages as well.

Compare to other plans, Pro plan allows you to drive more traffic than other, which is 200K visitors per month and 2500 form submissions per month.

I highly recommend this plan if you're aiming to have higher number in page visitors and multiple collection lists.

After Get Started

Until this point is a milestone. Now we have to check and ensure the overall performance and functionalities of your blog website. To improve the performance, you have to focus very well on specific check lists such as linking pages together (internal linking) to navigate your reader, verification of site functionalities, device responsiveness and taking adequate security measurements. To improve the user experience, be focused on UX design, usability, performance, design and ultimately meet the prime needs of your audience.

As a new trend, you might noticed phenomenal components or interactions in the modern web design. Fortunately, you can also bring those functionalities to your website by getting the right lessons from the right community. There are a hundreds of modules available free to use inside the Framer University. Make a visit to learn the best.

A screenshort of framer university

As I mentioned earlier, the possibilities inside framer is infinite. You can customize it anyway based on your designing skills or hire an experienced web designer as a collaborator to bring real life to your website.

Most importantly, also keep in mind that you need to improve your social media presence where you can drive majority of your traffic for free. To deploy that, right after you publish a content on your blog website, share the link or post an appealing summary of the content on the social media platforms to grab the attention of the public. This practice can drastically enhance the social signal, that impacts on SEO rankings.

Final Thought

You could probably find hundreds of thousands of website building tools in the marketplace. The choice is yours to pick the right one that can over deliver the result through the stunning features. If you're really looking for a highly creative, interactive and fully functional website for your blog content, you can trust the above described tool to design, optimize and get published your awesome blog website.

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The profile picture of the blog writer
The profile picture of the blog writer
The profile picture of the blog writer

A. Rishad


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