May 22, 2024

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an overview of website traffic from the various social media platforms
an overview of website traffic from the various social media platforms
an overview of website traffic from the various social media platforms

Explode your buisness with free traffic.

10 Top Ranked Free Website Traffic Sources for Business

Getting consistent website traffic to your website can define the entity of your business. The more traffic you can bring to your website the more you can scale your brand. This process is often hard to maintain when considering beginners. Because as a beginner, in front of you, there are two options you have to get free traffic. The first one is SEO and the second one is Marketing your business through social media networks.

SEO means, Search engine optimization. In simple words, you’re just optimizing the contents of your website appropriately to appear in search results that people seek on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc…

The most frustrating thing with SEO is, it takes time to reflect the result of your hard work and dedication. It could be 3 months, 6 months, or even more than a year.

So, that’s why we here focus on social media networks to get as much as possible free website traffic even to a new website. The total usage of social media networks is Billions of people. Then why you neglect that traffic from those networks for free?

Here we start;

1. Pinterest (518 Million Users)

Pinterest is the #1 ranked social media network among these, with a total number of 518 Million active users. Pinterest is an American image-sharing social media platform, which ensures you to publish your website links in the form of images. You can post a clear picture of your content and attach the link along with keyword-optimized captioning to your specific offer or service.

When people see your post, and interested, they will click on your post, and then Pinterest automatically redirects them to the exact destination (to your website/content) that you already put in.

2. Reddit (500 Million Users)

Reddit is the #2 ranked social media network among these platforms. It also knows as the front page of the internet. Simply, Reddit is a web content rating and discussion site, which has approx. 500 Million active users. I think Reddit will be a great opportunity to ride a bunch of free quality traffic to your website.

Inside Reddit, you can post your content in your own community or in other communities according to the topic you’re intended to post. For instance, if your content is about Email Marketing, you can simply choose email marketing-related communities to post your content.

Choose the community and read their rules about publishing new content in their community. Move strategically and post your content. Your content will be displayed immediately after the moderation is over. You can interact with the audience through the comment box.

3. Quora (400 Million Users)

Quora is the #3 placeholder among these free website traffic sources. Even Quora is a free platform it is the best tool to get massive traffic to your stunning content.

Quora is an American website, which focuses on sharing knowledge in the form of asking questions and answering accordingly. Currently, Quora has 400 Million active users. So, you can thrive on Quora by just giving value to people who have been looking for a solution through your informative answer.

When people ask a specific question on Quora that related to your niche, you can simply answer the question and direct them to your website as a solution.

Use Quora in Two Different Ways to Get Free Traffic to Your Website

In Quora, you can use this platform in two ways as your primary source of website traffic.

  • Method #1

The first one is, as usual, answering for the questions.

You can simply head over into Quora's search tab, and search for a specific keyword. Quora will list out all the questions that related to your keyword. Answer for those questions and mention your product or service strategically in your answers.

Don’t know how to post a link on Quora? Refer to our blog post about how you can post links on Quora without getting banned. Because Quora doesn’t like to post links on the answer section. So, we need to be smart at this point.

  • Method #2

The second method is more worthy. That is nothing but you can create a space inside your account and you can invite people to inside your space and post your contents. This is the most stunning method to send millions of free website traffic to your business.

With this method, you don’t need to be worried about putting your product or affiliate links directly on the posts. Because this is your own space and you’re the admin. So, here you have more freedom and more privilege over your convent.

The more you have followers with your space, the more you can expect free website traffic. So, try to scale your space to take your business to the next level.

You can try either one of these methods or both. Go with the most working method for better results.

4. Facebook (2.9 Billion Users)

Facebook is the world’s largest community that connects people together. You can also use Facebook for your marketing purpose. More than 2.9 Billion people are currently using the Facebook service. So, it’s an enormous platform that you can really use, and drive free traffic to your website.

There are a bunch of groups and pages already people created and marketed with Facebook. So, now it’s your turn to your needs, that simply riding more and more efficient traffic to your stunning website.

Methods of Using Facebook to Get Maximum Traffic to Your Website

With Facebook, you can follow vide range of methods to get quality traffic directly. Some of them are revealed here;

  • Method #1 - Share the Link with Your Facebook Friends

It’s a better opportunity for you to share your content with your friends.

Commonly people using Facebook to get connected with friends and family. So, you have already achieved some audience, then you just need to create a post and publish it among your audience. If anybody interested, you can get clicks and that leads to getting free traffic.

  • Method #2 – Create a Group

This is the easiest and high-converting method to get free traffic to your website. Because nowadays, Facebook has been pushing groups which have more engagement. This means if you have created a group and people inside the group have maintained good communication themselves by interacting with each other, the Facebook algorithm will understand this and push your group to reach more members.

By following this strategy, you can scale your website traffic with each day. All you need to create a group and optimize it with a high search volume keyword. By posting new content each day, you can scale the flow of traffic to your stunning website or blog posts.

Although, you can also post your content on other groups. But it’s often restricted to add your links to other groups. The group admins provoke your post and remove you by doing so. Hence, it’s always better to create your own community.

  • Method #3 – Create a Page

Create a page on the behalf of your brand will enhance the chances of gaining more authority. Yes, this is an effective method to grab people’s attention to your content. If you have an account in your own name, you can create a page with your brand’s name. Invite your friends and family to like and follow the group.

The more you engage your page the more you can get traffic to your website.

  • Method #4 – Reach your Audience Through Messenger

Messenger is an application of Facebook, that helps you to make calls or chats with your friends. With Facebook Messenger you can build strong communication with your audience and slowly, you can mention your service or products with Facebook users.

5. YouTube (2.49 Billion Users)

YouTube is the most engaged video-sharing social media platform. Although, this is the most convenient way to explain things in the form of a video. Human beings even can’t imagine a day without YouTube. This amazing platform has that much influence among people.

Try YouTube seriously, if you really need quality traffic within a short period of time. It’s simple to create a channel on YouTube and post quality contents.

According to people’s search, your video may appear at the top and more often people will watch and you can simply direct them to your website by mentioning the link of your website in the description box.

Start a YouTube channel right today, post quality content, get more engagement and have a blast on your website.

6. Instagram (2.4 Billion Users)

Instagram is an American social media platform which allows their users to share photos and videos on the behalf of their accounts. You can also drive free traffic to your website by using an Instagram account. It’s simple to create an account and post some informative content on your account.

Curious about how you can get free traffic from Instagram to your website?

Well, that’s so simple, after creating your Instagram account make sure that your account is public. Choose a name for your account. It’s always a better option to choose the same name of your brand or website. Because, once you have got enough reach, it’s easy to recognize your brand.

Your bio section shouldn’t be empty. Must fill it with the proper words. Remember that you’re limited to 150 words at this phase. So, try to include maximum data within that word frame.

Inside Instagram, you have an option to paste the URL of your website. So, put your URL here carefully, and check it later to ensure the link is working properly. Once you have enough visitors to your profile, you can expect free website traffic and followed by sales.

7. LinkedIn (830 Million Users)

LinkedIn is an American-based employment-oriented network. It is a better option for people who looking to post employment-related offers. If you’re hosting a website that related to job opportunities, you should try LinkedIn to get more and more organic traffic to your website.

Simply mention in your bio, and add your website link itself to ride traffic from LinkedIn.

8. Twitter (450 Million Users)

Twitter is a real-time social media platform; which people use to share messages known as “tweets”. Most of the officials are using this social media networking to announce breaking news.

You can also use Twitter to market your business until it reaches its esteem point. As every social media give you a chance to link your business with your account, you can also add your website link on your Twitter account.

When you tweet each time on Twitter, don’t forget to add your niche-related hashtags. Because hashtags can bring you more organic traffic to your website.

Share the link of your blog post as the form tweet and reach to more people with Twitter.

9. Telegram (1.5 Billion Users)

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service. It's available both on mobile and desktop. Telegram allows you to sent messages to people who are on your contact list as well as people who are in the same group that you have already joined.

So, with the telegram, you can search for groups which related to your niche and join with that group. Once the admin grants you permission to access inside, you can chat with the group member cordially. Remember that never try to spam on telegram groups. If you try to do so, each person has the right to report you and block you. If the admin got any glitch on you, you will be removed from the group instantly.

So, be smart and professional by using telegram for the purpose of seeking traffic to your website. So, it’s always better for you to make your own community and market your business within your audience.

10. Medium (100 Million Users)

Medium is a free blog posting platform, which allows you to post your content on their network. More than 60 million people are using this specific platform to scale their business.

Write contents about your service or product and publish it on Medium with related hashtags. Always keep in mind that, never paste your links directly on the post. Because it may leads to get banned your account temporarily. So, it’s good for you to create a landing page and put that landing page’s URL on medium to ride free traffic from this stunning website.

Sum Up

The traffic flowing to the above enlisted top 10 social media networks are priceless. Be active and do follow a smart work behind the social media networks to get a massive attention from these kind of platform to your stunning business model.

It could help you to grow your community and you can easily find or reach out to the potential clients without putting much risk in paid advertisement or marketing campaigns. In one word, these are the core assets of a budding business aspirant.

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A. Rishad


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