Jun 1, 2024

Social review of a content on a review posting website.
Social review of a content on a review posting website.
Social review of a content on a review posting website.

Don't be scammed with the fake media buyers.

Froggy Ads Review: A Real User Experience

There are plenty of cheap paid traffic sources booming on the internet daily basis. Online marketers and affiliate marketers are the main users of these kinds of traffic sources.

Make sure that, the platform that you are going to choose to run ads such as native ads, push ads, banner ads, and pop-up ads (cheap ad networks) has the legitimacy to run your campaigns. Otherwise, you lose your investment.

Is Froggy Ads a Scam?

I don’t want to flag Froggy Ads as a spammy one without any grounds. But here I share my experience that I faced when I was running a campaign with Froggy ads "push ad campaign". You can flag this as a scam one or not after reading or scanning this review.

Honestly, my experience with Froggy Ads was worst one. I ran lots of native ad campaigns with many other platforms. But with Froggy Ads, I got the absolute negative experience ever. Yes, it's by means of both customer support and loss of investment.

My Experience with Froggy Ads

As I mentioned before, my experience with Froggy Ads was the worst one. Because both the traffic and support I got was zero quality. Yes, absolute zero.

In order to run campaigns, you need to be funded your Froggy Ads account. As usual, I also top up my account with $50 as a trial. Because before I’m running the campaign, I did a deep study about Froggy ads on Google to question their legitimacy and traffic quality. The result was not good. I got some negative feedback from some of the users (See some of them below).

social reviews of froggy ads.com from various review posting websites and community

Even though, I decided to move forward as an experimental purpose. Because we never ever lose any chances to thrive in our online journey (beware).

My final URL in the push ads was one of the pages inside my website. So, I can track each and every visitor’s location, device, and duration of visit time. When the traffic began to flow, I started to track each visitor. And the stats showed by the Froggy Ads dashboard and my website’s dashboard were entirely different.

See the stats below (right-my site's stats, left-Froggy Ads stats)

Roughly, I got nearly 200 clicks, but the stats of Froggy Ads did not make sense.

At this point, it sounds like a scam. Right away, I paused the running campaign and contacted the support team to remark the issue. Even after I stopped everything, the traffic was still flowing, and my account balance was dropping down dramatically.

At this point, I flagged Froggy Ads as a scam one. I stipulated a dispute through the payment channel that I used to top up my Froggy Ads account to restore my money back.

How I Recovered My Money?

Right after I got a fishy feeling, I contacted the Froggy Ads support team to refund my money back through PayPal. The payment channel I used to top up my ad account was PayPal. Because PayPal is a safe channel, and you will be protected with 180-day buyer’s protection if you choose PayPal for fund transfer purposes.

Well, after I rise the dispute, they said that they can’t refund my money back and everything is perfect from their end. Moreover, Froggy Ads suspended my Ad account right away due to the dispute I forwarded to PayPal.

I can’t explicit more evidence than this to prove Froggy Ads scammy service.

Finally, I escalated the dispute to PayPal’s buyer’s protection support team with complete proof I have. Because Froggy Ads was not ready to resolve my issue.

Within a couple of days, I got the final decision email from PayPal which says that my dispute is closed and your $50 successfully refunded to your origin source.

screenshot of a refund email from paypal.com

PayPal is one of the proper channels to do online purchases. They understand the scammers and stand with the truth.

The Reasons Behind Why I Wrote This Review

You can imagine the reasons if you red the experience that I delivered above.

Reason #1: No longer get scammed

I don't want anybody with the same experience that I had with Froggy Ads.

This is an advice for beginners who have been looking for cheap traffic sources. Make sure that you’re with the right medium, and never lose your savings. Always do a deep research before you get started. Refer reviews, YouTube reviews if possible.

Reason #2: Use the proper payment channel

Never ever try to fund any Ad accounts directly from your bank account. Always use proper channels such as PayPal if you don’t want to lose your money. Because such sort of payment channels gives you buyers protection.

Recommendation to the Right Traffic Sources

Here are a few of the legit cheap traffic sources that you can use to run traffic to your website or blog page.

1. Outbrain

2. Taboola

3. Propeller Ads

4. mgrid

5. Nativo

Try these native ad platforms for better results.


Online spam has been on a booming trend. It’s your responsibility to save your money and spend only on trusted platforms. If possible, refer to reviews for a better understanding of the service or product that you’re going to purchase for the first time. Spend on the right platform for the right purpose in the right way.

I strongly recommend you to use legit advertisement platforms (some of them are mentioned above). Never get scammed like this anymore, because you're paying from your pocket by means of expecting a good return. So, think wisely before to pick a platform.

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A. Rishad


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