Apr 5, 2024

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Google search result of the keyword "how to find low competitive keywords".
Google search result of the keyword "how to find low competitive keywords".
Google search result of the keyword "how to find low competitive keywords".

Easily rank your content on search results.

Effective Ways to Find Low-competitive Keywords for SEO

When considering a new website, it often hard to rank for a keyword without having many backlinks and domain authority. This pulls back a website’s organic traffic flow from search engines.

Hopefully, though a website does not have a good number of backlinks and domain authority score, it also possible to get ranked on search engine result pages (SERPs) by taking some advanced keyword research strategies.

In this post, we are going to discuss how we can implement those strategies by following some easy steps to find low competitive keywords and optimizing them for SEO.

How to Find Low-competitive Keywords (Effective Ways)

Focusing on low-competitive keywords and writing the best possible optimized content is the one and only way to drive organic traffic from search engines. Do you think this is absolutely wrong way and a loss of time? If so, your assumption is a blunder.

Of course, get ranked on the search engine result page is a time-consuming process. The longer time frame does not mean that your content is not good. So, try to focus on low-competitive keywords.

Here are some effective ways to find low-competitive keywords.

1. Use Google Search Bar

This is one of the powerful ways to find out low-competitive keywords from Google’s suggestion.

When you type a keyword on the Google search bar, it will automatically suggest some related results. Sometimes, it’s in the form of question, comparisons, or other related suggestions. Click one of the top listed suggestions. Because the top position indicated that keyword has a high search volume compared to the rest.

the image showing a search result of a keyword on google.com

After you click on any one of the suggestions, make sure that whether you can see the right answer on the first page or not as a searcher. If yes, leave it. If no, try to pick that keyword and write quality content.

These kinds of keywords can bring you more organic traffic to your web page.

2. Authority and Word Count

After you enter the search button with a keyword, you can see many results that are already ranked. Here you can simply find your chances of ranking for that specific keyword.

Firstly, check the authority of each domain that ranked for the keyword. If the authority score is higher than 40, it’s pretty hard to outrank those contents. Focus on other related keywords with another search.

Secondly, assize the depth of the post that already ranked with the searched keyword. Counting the total words can help you to understand how deeply the content is written.

demonstration of a keyword idea search result on ubersuggest

For instance, you can search the keyword “Affiliate Marketing” on Google. Comparatively, this keyword is highly competitive and harder to rank at the top of search results. Because you can see all the domains that are ranked for this specific keyword has higher domain authority score and more word count. Often, high-competitive keywords are like this. Hard to get ranked with a new website and content.

Moreover, if the search results are from user-generated or forums, you can also easily rank for that keyword. The user-generated keywords are often having the slug of social media accounts such as Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, Medium.

Understand that the more authority score attained websites and the more in-depth contents are hard to outrank with your new content.

If your searched keyword does not come under the above-listed categories, you’re good to go with that keyword. Definitely, it is a low-competitive keyword and you found it strategically.

3. Focus on Related Search Terms

Related search results are search page results, located at the bottom of the page in the form of related phrases or questions.

People also search for these keywords. So, either you can optimize your content for this type of keyword or mention it in your headlines. This is a super targeted and low-competitive keyword. Hence there will be a higher chance for get ranked at top of the search result.

The picture shows the related search terms of the keyword low competition keywords.

Remember that related search terms are the best helpful tactic to reduce the chances of topi deviation. Because topic deviation may omit your content from a higher ranking. Moreover, it does not meet the search intent.

4. Long-Tail Keywords

Often, the ranking of a short keyword is a highly risky business. When considering a new website to optimize for those keywords, it’s super tough. But we have an idea, that’s nothing complicated. Just picking up a long tail keyword that also refers to your main topic.

Long-tail keywords are less competitive and easy to rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). This is the best strategy for beginners to get ranked their awesome content without building many backlinks and domain authority score.

Lots of tools are available to find those relevant high search volume, low competitive keywords such as Ubersuggest and semrush.

5. Question-Based Keywords

Question terms like “is, What, Why” are highly targeted and less competitive keywords. Because these are kinds of queries that people have and they need a solution.

people also ask session on goolge search results for the keyword low competition keywords

Most fascinatingly, a question-based keyword has higher buyer intent background. So, it can help you to sell your product or servicer or even affiliate products without paying much attention to Ads.

So, undoubtedly, this is an easy and strategic move and drives organic traffic to buyer intent products or affiliate products to get more clicks, sales with the help of low-competitive keywords.

If possible, you can add testimonials to your blog page for convincing every page visitor.

6. Google Keyword Planner

Keyword planner from Google is a free tool to find the keyword competition range based on Google searches. It’s mandatory to have a Google Ads account in order to use Google Keyword Planner. Because this tool is mainly developed for finding a keyword’s marketing trend, the lowest and highest pay per click demographics, and many more.

When you search for a keyword by using a Keyword planner, you can target a specific country to analyze the count of searches that comes each month. Or you can search globally for targeting broad matches.

As mentioned earlier, the keyword planner is ultimately developed for ad purposes, you can add multiple keywords that you are intending to rank. If required, you can make a comparison, cost per click range, keyword trend, search volume, and keyword difficulty as well.

Thankfully, the data from Google are precise and accurate. So, it’s a better opportunity to focus on this kind of free tool to find low-competitive keywords without having any limitation to use the entire platform. While others charges, Google Keyword Planner stands out for free.

7. Free Online Tools

Need more scrutinized data about your low-competitive keyword? Then, depending on some paid platforms which can deliver you the best in-depth details.

Though the below-enlisted tools are paid platforms, you can use them for free until a stipulated search counts on daily basis.

By using these keyword analyzing tools, you can get the data of already ranked contents such as social shares, backlinks, clicks each month, etc. Conduct deep research and write more detailed content to get higher ranking and traffic.

8. Get Featured on Snippets

Snippets are often the main attractive part of search results. When you type a keyword, it shows the most precise info.

Getting featured on snippets also helps you to get ranked higher. Because when people get displayed the right points on their screen, there will be a higher chance for clicking. Snippet ranking will be hard for you unless you have a good handling of language professionally.

Need more concise info that grabs attention from the first impression.

However, you can make it easier by ranking low-competitive keywords.

Is Low-competitive Keyword has High Search Volume?

Of course, it has. Maybe the keyword tools show a very tiny amount. But never believe those data blindly. Because you can expect SEO traffic from Google in many ways. People also reach your website through Google suggestion terms. When you take these terms and analyze the data on Keyword tools, it shows very little statics. But the truth may have dramatic changes.

So, always focus on google search suggestions by using the search bar to find out the best low-competitive keywords for an impressive result.

Low competition does not mean the keyword has low search volume. To prove that, “How to remove background in Photoshop” is a high search volume keyword (14.8K searches per month from the US). But its difficulty to rank is very low (Easy-11).

Hence it clear that low-competitive keywords are the most powerful and effective tool for SEO. Don’t bother about backlinks and high domain authority. We have an alternative strategy for bringing more traffic to your web pages.


Finding low-competitive keywords for SEO not a risky business even you don’t have paid tools. Everything readily available in our circle. Just need to observe and implement accordingly.

For a newly launched website, the above-listed proven methods are highly recommended to follow and implement. This step-by-step strategy definitely carries a major role in finding low-competitive keywords without spending a single penny, and thereby an upward growth of more and more quality traffic to your awesome website.

Remember that, everything is hard at the beginning stage. Need more investment of time and energy. But never let your hope down. Keep learning and keep growing.

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A. Rishad


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