Aug 6, 2024

The profile picture of the blog publisher
The profile picture of the blog publisher
The profile picture of the blog publisher
An image having the emblem of legendary marketer
An image having the emblem of legendary marketer
An image having the emblem of legendary marketer

Exposing a best community to get started a business with integrity.

Review of Legendary Marketer: From a 6 Years of Loyal User

Do you ever think about the reasons why most of the online businesses are failing? probably, it's because of the improper development of a strong business system.

If you pay attention to a well-developed business model, you can see a properly structured system behind their success.

Looking for the right strategies to construct a well-disciplined business model? Here I will guide you to a perfect platform called “Legendary Marketer”, which is specially designed for online marketers.

In this article, I’m going to introduce you to all the angles of legendary marketer and sharing my 6 years of experience as a loyal user.

What is Legendary Marketer?

Legendary Marketer is one of the leading digital marketing platforms which provides digital courses, one-on-one virtual coaching, and high-quality supportive live mastermind events for people who want to start an online business or need to grow their existing business model with the help of online cutting-edge marketing strategies.

Besides, the legendary marketer is not bad in imparting the best possible part of personal development, marketing skills, and business tactics to boost the caliber and defeat the existing competitors in the marketplace.

By any means, the legendary marketer is the right choice for action takers and aspirants who want to lead a profitable online business in this contemporary era.

Say Hello to the Boss

You may startle if you know more about the past of the founder of Legendary Marketer and the way he constructed this awesome business model.

Meet the founder;

The founder of the e-learning platform called legendary marketer and in this picture he poses with a legendary marketer e-book on his hand

It’s none other than David Sharpe, who has been developed this business model completely from scratch. He was broke and drop-out in 9th standard.

He says that the main reason behind the creation of legendary marketer is “there wasn’t a school for online marketers, so he made one”.

Today, David has 3 multi-million-dollar companies and that could bring quarter a billion-dollar into his club along with 500,000+ students worldwide.

Sounds amazing?

What are Included Inside the Legendary Marketer?

Here are a few products that are available inside the legendary marketer dashboard.

1. High-Quality Training Materials

The main advantage of this awesome community is, providing unbeatable quality training materials for their users. The below listed are categorized and each has its own specified values.

Let take a close look now,

The Online Business Builder Challenge

The 15-day challenge is actually a workshop available inside the legendary marketer. As the name indicates it will take 15 or more days to get completed this session. Because each day’s training contents are locked. It can only be accessible once you finish watching, and submit the assignment works every day.

Each and every action you have taken at the back end will be tracked and grant you permission to move to the next level.

the dashboard of the program legendary marketer where people land right after they log in to the course.

In this specific training area, David will lead you in the whole 15 days to share with you the best strategies and fundamental steps to launch an online business in a couple of weeks.

It’s actually worthy. Based on my experience, I learned so many new things that are nobody shared in any media, including YouTube. I think these are maybe the most valuable and experimentally invented tactics to withstand the marketing competition.

To be frank, I firstly get know about ClickFunnels after watching David’s 15-day challenge video training (It's really amazing and so motive). Then I started to operate it and learned so many other online marketing strategies such as integration with external email marketing providers, lead generation, list building, proper online communication, and many more.

So, considering my personal experience and knowledge, this 15-day challenge is one of the most influencing training modules for a beginner who aims to start an online business successfully.

2. High Converting Funnel Pages

Normally, legendary marketer provides 5-different high converting customizable sales funnel pages for free.

Wherever you wish to add new elements or need to make changes, you can do it. All you need is, you should have an account with ClickFunnels. Because all of the funnel pages are built in ClickFunnels.

Funnel pages are;

  • Business Challenge Bridge Funnel

  • Insider’s Guide eBook

  • Copywriters Playbook for 2021

  • 15 Second Free leads

  • Legendary Lead Magnet Funnel

So, to get these funnel pages for free, you should need to have an account with ClickFunnels.

Products of Legendary Marketer

Let’s directly dive into get know a close call with the products available inside the legendary marketer.

Marketing Advertising

Under this, we have four different products.

1. Marketers Club

Being a member in the marketer club is the best choice for beginners to get started. Because inside this particular subscription, you can learn the most up-to-date marketing information from the top marketers in the world.

Sticking with the latest trend and marketing tips can really help you to learn the best marketing research along with exclusive marketing tips, from the live session inside the marketers club.

Most beneficially, the weekly live classes open a chance for you to ask any topic-related questions, which may not available freely on the YouTube database.

In short, the marketer club is the right subscription plan for anybody, which can deliver the best digital marketing training in the world.

This subscription has a monthly recurring charge deduction, which is $30/month. I also get started with legendary marketer's this plan. I didn’t have anything to lose, but everything to gain such as best marketing training, optimized handling of marketing tools, best result, and many good experiences.

There is no contract or bond sign-up. Whenever you want to cancel your subscription, you can do that.

If you’re really excited to join with markets club, click the button below and sit for the best marketing training in this world for a productive result with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Let's cheer!

2. Omni-Branding Formula

This is one of the brand-new courses for social media content marketing in a totally different approach. If you’re really looking to sell your products without spending a single penny on the advertisement, this course will be the most beneficial asset for you.

The Omni-Branding formula delivers you the most profitable marketing strategies which can bring you tons of free leads and sales from social media. Because social media are the most people engaging platforms, the main aim of marketing is introducing a product among targeted people, thankfully, social media are the right place for that in many ways.

A mockup of one of the cources in legendary marketer.

The main highlight of this specific product is, you can publish a 7-days worth of content in just an hour by using the technique David used in his social media content marketing strategies.

Being omnipotent on social media is the single most profitable marketing strategy to deploy. But the most annoying thing is, make it structured for popping up all over the social platforms. Dave shares with you the exact formula through this particular course.

This course covers the whole topic in 5 different episodes.

  • Episode 1 – (Foundation of the formula)

  • Episode 2 – (How to laser target perfect buyers)

  • Episode 3 – (Topic hack, How to attract and convert target buyers)

  • Episode 4 – (Complete equipment list to deliver consistent quality content)

  • Episode 5 – (How to outsource, publish everywhere)

The complete course slide deck included in the Omni-branding formula is printable and you can print it off, whenever you want, you can simply refer back without watching the video over and over again.

Pretty easier to handle, isn’t it?

Join now, it costs only $47 (one-time payment) with additional bonuses.

3. Traffic University

Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertisement can really help a business to get more traffic and brand awareness across the world. This also helps you to take your business to the next level.

But this is not possible without having an optimized ad campaign. You might attain much information from free platforms such as blog posts, YouTube videos, and many other ways.

Studies state that more than 60% of businesses are failing on their paid advertising campaigns such as YouTube ads, Google ads, Facebook ads, and Twitter ads due to improper optimization of the ad campaign.

The traffic university course has been leading by a bunch of the world’s top advertising experts, who can impart the best possible online advertisement strategies to you.

In addition to this, each advertising platforms listed above (YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter) need specific requirement for landing pages. Interestingly, the traffic university course also ensures the safety of landing pages within the advertisement policies.

So, you can generate maximum leads, conversions, sales and don’t need to be worried about risking your existing ad account.

When comes to the pricing of the traffic university, it’s pretty expensive, which costs you $1497 (one-time payment). Though traffic university is expensive, it is worthier for the better profitable running of your online advertisement campaigns.

4. Affiliate Marketing eBook

Affiliate marketing is the simple business model that anybody can promote other people’s products for earning a portion of each sale you make.

The founder David sharpe holding an affiliate marketing guide book on his hand

This is a copy of the Affiliate Marketing eBook written by David Sharpe. This will be a great asset for people who need to get a step-by-step guide to affiliate marketing business and get a close call with what actions super affiliates are taken behind their success.

The Affiliate marketing eBook only costs $1.99. Grab your copy today with bonuses by just clicking the button below.

Business Blueprints

Here are a few business blueprints.

1. Affiliate Marketing Blueprint

Affiliate marketing is so simple to get started for everyone. Approximately 99% of online marketers are started their journey with affiliate marketing business. Because this is the most trustable business model, which does not require any investment.

Of course, affiliate marketing is a time-consuming process. You need to have a proper blueprint in order to get a passive income stream from affiliate marketing.

Here, legendary marketer shares with you the exact affiliate marketing blueprint, which can help you to find out the best value-added products and how to make your very first affiliate sale, and many more.

The blueprint also includes how to run an affiliate campaign successfully with paid ads, how to scale your profit, and how to make it a strong income source, and many live sessions where you can ask queries related to affiliate marketing business.

To get access to this blueprint, you may charge a $2500 one-time payment. Personally, I didn’t purchase this course. Because most of the time I focus on content marketing through SEO and social media networks.

You can either choose this if you have a couple of thousand dollars to spend or rely on a cheaper plan where other people offer.

2. Digital Products Blueprint

The sales of digital products are on a booming trend. Compared to physical products, digital products are easy to market and sell.

When you deal with a physical product, it has tons of headaches such as manufacturing, storage, inventory control, quality assurance, ordering, shipping, delivering, customer support, and many more law-related issues when shipping from one country to another.

On another side, digital products show its transparency here. Because anybody can create their own digital product with the fundamental knowledge and limited working equipment.

Understand that, a digital product only requires enough traffic to your sales page. The more you can drive traffic to your product’s check-out page, the more you can make sales, and make more money. There are no out-of-stock issues, there are no shipping issues.

The digital products blueprint guides you to how to create a digital product, how to distribute, replicate infinitely with no manpower and limited device usage.

When looking into the pricing of digital products blueprint, it costs the same amount of affiliate marketing blueprint, which is $2500.

3. Coaching and Consulting Blueprint

Do you have special skills in something or do you want to work with your passion and share the knowledge with the world as a mentor? Then you should get to know more about this coaching and consulting blueprint. Because expertise is in-demand these days.

People have been looking for the legit and right solution. Because there are lots of gurus and online junkies out there to loot folk’s money by offering spammy claims.

Here, the right coaching and consultation have value and are more trustable. Legendary marketer’s coaching and consulting blueprint can help you out in;

  • How to identify the niche

  • How to create offers

  • How to clarify your pitch

  • How to deliver your services successfully

  • How to manage payments

  • How to scale your business

Nothing complicated with coaching and consulting. All you need is to handle the basic tools such as managing appointments through webinars or Skype and deal with the payment channels (Stripe, PayPal).

If you’re really seeking to get better training, to get started imparting your best knowledge or idea to the world by offering your own coaching and consultancy, this blueprint can really help you to manage everything systematically.

4. Event and Masterminds Blueprint

In this modern era, everything has been driven by bots and automated algorithm programming. Though these are beneficial and time-saving, people often need an event or live sessions to share their thoughts and ideas with a touch of real humankind.

An event or summit also helps you to understand the working principle of a particular business and the best possible direct advice from successful business owners.

In this event and mastermind blueprint, you will learn deeper about;

  • How to plan an event

  • How to host an even

  • tHow to attain profit from live events

  • Save on costs

  • How to hire and where to host an event

  • Finally, how to become a talented facilitator

The most important part of a successful host is, keep excited their existing participants about the upcoming events, as well as new loyal participants either by direct or indirect referrals.

The more you put effort and dedication, the more you can host your event with more audience, which can dramatically help you scale your revenue.

Live Experiences

Under this category, we have to learn about only one product.

Legendary Marketer Mastermind

This is the most epic and impactful product from the legendary marketer, which occur in live sessions.

Overall, this course can guide you to build your online business community in a well-structured way through the live training modules.

Advice for beginners: As a beginner, I strongly recommend you to get started with the 15-day challenge for a good start. Because there you have so many things to learn. Most importantly, if you’re just putting your foot into the online marketing world, there are no other training modules you can find other than the 15-day challenge.

Private Client Coaching Program with Dave Sharpe

This is a golden opportunity for you to get private training directly from the founder of legendary marketer.

Dave will act as an “Executive Coach” of your business and he will guide you through the exact path he followed in this $250 million online marketing company.

Most interestingly, by joining with this coaching program, you will get direct access to the blueprints listed above as well as entrance to the Legendary Marketer Mastermind program.

All the accessibility will be granted for the next 12 months. So, I think, this time frame is more than enough to take your business to its esteem level and reach your online earning potential to its peak point.

Commont Facts

Is Legendary Marketer a Scam?

You might see many online GURUs and courses who claims guaranteed result and gimmick yearnings. Compared to them, the legendary marketer is entirely different from them. No false claims and assured success anymore.

Legendary marketer only talks the fact and possible result-oriented strategies.

In my past six years of experience, I didn’t feel any fishiness. So, I can say that this awesome community is legit and one of the purest forms of digital courses, which can impart the best marketing strategies for newbies.

Who Belongs to Legendary Marketer?

Do you have a wish to start an online business after you watch an inspirational intro training video? And not ready to take action, focusing on rambling things? Then legendary marketer is not apt for you.

Conversely, the legendary marketer is the right suit for people who have an immense wish to flag their own online presence with dedicated work and determination.

Nothing needs to be invested in legendary marketer. All you need is, just invest yourself, learn the best from David’s cutting-edge marketing strategies and apply it appropriately for the successful running of your online business.

Overall, you need to understand your purpose in order to become a perfect marketer with legendary marketer’s training modules.

Plans of Legendary Marketer for Affiliates

Nothing complicated. Legendary marketer has two different subscription plans for starters that could be affordable for everybody.

Pricing structure of legendary marketer

Here are the plans;

1. Basic Plan (Free)

The basic plan comes with limited benefits and is especially recommended for newbies. This plan is completely free for everyone. The main limitation is, you can only earn 5%-30% of commission for each sale you make.

Moreover, your account will be inaccessible to integrate with an autoresponder, and you won’t able to attend the advanced affiliate training session where David shares his ultimate tactics and tips to magnet more and more targeted people.

This basic plan also restricts you to earn additional money from various streams included inside the legendary marketer. Even though, this plan is the most suitable for beginners. Once you can earn a decent commission, you can upgrade to the PRO plan.

2. PRO Plan

The PRO plan comes with additional benefits and complete accessibility features such as integration with an autoresponder, advanced training modules, and additional streams of income.

Basically, the PRO plan has a monthly recurring deduction charge, which is $29.95. if you sign up through this plan, you will be charged with this amount in every month until you cancel your subscription.

By any means, I can say this is affordable and recommended for people who want to earn 20%-60% of commission for each sale you make. The PRO plan is more suitable for intermediate-level marketers. Because there is a recurring charge, which charges you each month.

Are you confused about which plan to take? If you have enough marketing hold, go for the PRO plan to earn more commission, or just a fresh beginner, go for the basic plan.

When did I Join with Legendary Marketer?

I don’t remember the exact joining date with the legendary marketer’s club program. However, the dashboard says that it was back in 2018.

So far, my experience with Dave’s training module is inexplicable.

Nobody referred me to this awesome community. But I just got an ad pop-up when I was watching a video on YouTube. I joined to the legendary marketer with pride and many hopes.

See my experience below

My Experience

Now, it’s been 6 years of online journey with legendary marketer. Proudly I can say I learned so many new marketing strategies and attained the ability to how to deal with a client cordially, how to market a product online, how to interact with real business aspirants, and many more.

When I completed the list-building program training session, I just started to build my audience list gradually.

List of leads I got into legendary marketer though my marketing campaign.

Thus far, I got so many leads and communication opportunities with those aspirants who are interested to point their own online presence.

How I got this many leads?

Nothing complicated, but I focused most of the time on social media networks, where people engaging and searching for the right solution for their concerns. It was pretty easier to capture the leads and convert those leads into long-term paying customers.

Paid advertising campaigns are highly effective. But at the beginning stage, I didn't have enough capital to invest in, and that's why I focused more on free promotions to magnet as much as possible quality leads.

So, are you tired of getting extra targeted leads for your business? If you can't find the right audience, it's often hard to scale your business.

Mainly focused on Email Marketing to consistently get in touch with them. Because email marketing and Email Marketing automation campaigns are pretty easier to handle online communication with active leads.

The most highlighting part of my experience with the legendary marketer is getting a “one-on-one business plan call” training session with mentors. According to our preferences, we can select the best time slot to arrange a video call with any one of the available mentors.

A screenshot of one-on-one booking with a mentor of legendary marketer

Once they confirm our booking slot, they will remind us with an email notification, which contains a zoom meeting room link.

So, I can bravely say that the main success of a business aspirant is, getting one-on-one coaching from a veteran. The legendary marketer is proving that over and over again from their dedicated live training sessions.

My Earnings with Legendary Marketer

To be honest, I’m not active in Legendary Marketer. Most of the time, I focus on content marketing with my website. However, my ultimate aim of using legendary marketer is to stay on the right marketing strategies and getting the best advice from David Sharpe.

Moreover, showing the stats and sharing the screen short of back-office earnings from legendary marketer by means of photo or video is against their affiliate terms. So, I’m restricted to share my earning here.

If you’re curious about the earnings, I can say that you could possibly make a pretty much decent amount each time, when you make any sales. The cutting-edge marketing strategies available inside the dashboard of legendary marketer, and that can definitely help you to make your very first $1000 online commission easily.

Notifications from Legendary Marketer

Getting notified from the back office can help us to find out what is happening with our affiliate account.

Each time an action takes place on your account, you will be notified immediately with relevant email pop-ups. The notification may trigger even if you got a single lead or a sale. So, you never miss any ongoing occasion with legendary marketer.

Notification management options inside the legendary marketer program's settings.

You can also manage the flow of notifications to your inbox according to your wish. Whenever you want, the back-office control center helps you to turn notifications to “off mode” or “on mode”.

How Long it Will Take to Get Paid?

Normally, the commissions are directly paid to your eWallet, where you link your official bank account. It will take 2 weeks after you make a sale.

Moreover, there you should have at least $20 in your eWallet to initiate the payment. Once you attained this minimum earning threshold, you can request for the withdrawal right away. The actual payment starts to proceed on every Friday.

Future Forecast

What's better than investing yourself in the most trustworthy hands? it can definitely bring you the most accurate result in the near future. Digital marketing is on a booming trend, studies and analytics are proving that.

The legendary marketer is the main instance of your inspiration. Undoubtedly, I can direct you to their Facebook groupand that's the most powerful place where marketers reveal their secrets and discuss success stories.

This awesome community is still growing day by day, many newbies are thriving with their cutting-edge marketing strategies imparted by the CEO of this company. So, what's you are looking for? right time? right platform? right mentor? then, here is a golden opportunity for you to get all of those wishes under a single roof.


Based on my personal experience, I would like to say, Legendary Marketer is one of the most leading online marketing platforms. Definitely, it can make a great positive impact on the growth of your online business with their cutting-edge marketing strategies.

Though the marketing blueprint costs pretty higher when compared with other training providers, it ensures the value and higher success rate in the competitive marketplace.

If you’re purpose-oriented, then legendary marketer is right for you. Try legendary marketer, without risking yourself with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Wish you all the very best in your journey.

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The profile picture of the blog publisher
The profile picture of the blog publisher
The profile picture of the blog publisher

A. Rishad


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