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Simply revealing the main SEO hacks.

3-Main Factors of SEO to Get Traffic from Google

SEO or search engine optimization for Google consists of many factors. However, you can cover those “many” by focusing on major focal points.

In this article, we are going to discuss what are the 3 main factors of SEO that really need to be focused on in order to get maximum traffic from search engines like Google.

What is SEO?

SEO or Search engine optimization is the process of arranging website content appropriately for search engines to show at the top of someone’s search results.

Of course, SEO is one of the main marketing methods, which is completely free of cost. But need to be focused more on each component of SEO in order to get consistent traffic from Google.

Just imagine like, when someone types “Affiliate Marketing” on Google, they likely looking for the ultimate guide to Affiliate Marketing Business with some solid grounds. If your content has covered all the intentions of a searcher, you could possibly rank higher and bring more organic traffic from Google.

So, while you write content, always ensure that you can satisfy each of your viewer's intentions with your content.

Let’s see how does SEO works in the case of Google.

How Does Google SEO Work? (Grow with Google)

Every aspect works under a specific track. Similarly, Google has three different processes, which are crawling, indexing, and ranking.

When you publish new content or update the existing content, Google bots automatically crawl each page and index it on search engine result pages (SERPs) with considering many factors.

Google starts crawling a web page when they see a new URL or you can tell Google that you have just published a new piece of information, and need to be crawled as soon as possible with the help of Google Search Console.

When the crawling process is completed successfully. The content will be indexed on Google and available for everyone. While someone searches on Google with the relevant keyword, they can easily find that content and get access to explore it.

Google has nearly 200 factors to be considered before ranking a content on search results. Of course, we can’t focus on each factor and manage everything. Then what to do? Nothing complicated, simply focusing on the most ultimate optimization steps that really help us to rank higher on Google.

Let’s dig into the main 3 factors of search engine optimization.

The Main Factors of Google SEO (Familiar with the Key Factors)

Let’s analyze what are the key factors of SEO with Google. These are simple things to manage. But need to be focused well on each.

1- Keyword Research for Google SEO

Finding the right keyword is everything. Because people land on Google with a specific keyword, the duty of Google is to deliver the best possible answer to their user’s query.

Here you need to put more effort into your content. If you can bring the best possible answer for a relevant keyword, Google will show your content at the top of search engine result pages. More likely your content gets tons of traffic.

Finding a proper keyword is not a risky business. A lot of tools and ideas are there to filter out the right keyword by doing keyword research.

Some of the easy measures are here:

1.1 Low-competition keyword

When the competition is flooded, the chances of getting a good ranking position on Google is pretty much harder. To make it more clear, if you type the keyword “Email Marketing” on Google, you can see many related search results. Because this keyword is saturated and highly competitive. Then you should need to find a low competitive keyword by doing some keyword researches.

Understand the keyword difficulty by depending on any one of the keyword planners mentioned below.

Once you found a low competitive keyword, start writing the best quality content in an optimized manner. Highly recommended for beginners to stick with writing low competition keyword-optimized content, because ranking a low competition keyword is pretty easier and effective to get more and more quality traffic from Google organically.

1.2 Long-tail keyword

This is another method to find out keywords for SEO, which is easy to rank on Google. The long-tail keywords are containing many words and are likely in the form of questions.

Contents based on this type of keywords are very few. Comparatively, the chances of getting a higher ranking position on Google is predictable.

To find a long-tail keyword, it’s always better to seek Google’s search bar suggestions and analyze the search volume with Google Keyword planner. If you can find a long-tail keyword, write an optimized, quality content based on that specific keyword to get organic traffic from Google.

1.3 Related search result

Looking for the best suggestion from Google’s related search results is also a good strategy for keyword research. You can simply find the related search results at the bottom of the page.

Often, the related search results are a combination of both low competitive and question-based keywords.

All you need to do is just type the master keyword on Google, and the result will show you the best possible related search terms. Pick the right one and check its keyword difficulty and search volume to decide whether the keyword has the best possibilities to bring organic traffic to your site or not.

Note: After you did lots of researches and strategic moves to find a relevant keyword, make sure that you have mentioned that keyword in the first 100 words of your article or blog post.

Need assistance to find low competition or long-tail keywords? Find here.

On-Page SEO

After you find a relevant keyword, it’s time to optimize the content for SEO. On-page SEO stands with, you just explaining to Google what your content is and properly managing every aspect correctly inside the blog page.

On-page SEO has many factors to be considered. Here are them:

1.1 Proper arrangement of heading tags for Google SEO

The heading tags should be coordinated properly for better SEO results. Normally, heading tags come like H1, H2, H3, H4. Each tag has its own importance on your content. For instance, H1 stands for the title of the post, which can only be used once only. Similarly, H2 tags are representing for main headings of the content, which can be used many times. Finally, H3 tags are indicating subheadings.

Remember that the right heading tag is required for better optimization. The more header tags you have the more Google analyzes that your content has more in-depth data.

1.2 Structured data

Structured data is a standardized format of a content that helps to deliver the best possible information with a minimum number of words. In simpler words, a short easily understandable precise data.

Often, structured data has a great influence on the ranking of content. Even if your content does not have enough quality to rank higher positions on Google, the structured data will helps you to pop up on the top of Google’s suggestion.

So, while you trying to define a keyword, try to focus on structured data in order to bring quick traffic with Google.

1.3 Image alt texts

Most of the time a web page contains lots of image formats to deliver a better visual understanding for the viewers. An alt text or alternative text can describe what about the pic. Because Google can’t see images. So, a text format can explain it.

You have an option to add alt text for each image you include on a specific web page. Alt-text is also a major part of on-page SEO with Google. So, don’t forget to put alt text for every image on a specific web page.

1.4 Path of the URL (Page URL)

Each page has a unique URL. The uniqueness is usually seen at the end of the URL, that’s called path. This path URL is editable according to the publisher’s interest.

Make sure that you have added your keyword in the path URL. This is also helpful for Google to identify what about the web page, and easy to rank higher position on search engines.

An optimized page URL slug is mandatory for on-page SEO.

When your mind changes, you may need to change the path URL. Please use the 301 redirect option while you change the path URL. Otherwise, people may redirect to the 404 error page.

Never let that happen.

1.5 Internal links

Undoubtedly, internal linking is a major asset for on-page SEO, especially for Google. With this specific on-page strategy you can attain multiple benefits.

The first one is, you can get more structured internal linking from other posts that you have already published. This helps to improve the internal linking SEO score.

The second one is, you can improve traffic flow to other web pages. When you refer to a page through internal linking, your visitors can get more than their expectations. They keep exploring one content to another one by one.

Overall, internal linking is one of the best on-page SEO strategies to keep hooked your page viewer for a long time on the content page. This can help you to improve the average page visit time duration and reduce bounce rate dramatically.

So, keep linking from one page to another if you really need a better SEO impact for your content. Through internal linking, you’re providing more value for your loyal visitors.

1.6 Mobile friendly

More than 50% of searches come from mobile devices. So, digesting your web page contents for mobile devices is an inevitable thing. It’s easier once you create desktop-optimized content.

Most of the time, the contents are automatically converted to mobile-optimized formats. However, doing a final touch-up work is highly recommended, because some manual works also necessary for a better experience.

Remember that, if your content is not optimized for mobile devices, there is a higher chance of flagging your content low optimization score for SEO. Consequently, this leads to losing a huge portion of organic traffic from search engines, especially from Google.

Off-Page SEO

As the name indicates, off-page SEO or off-site SEO is the optimization actions that come outside of a web page. Off-page SEO is like an ocean, so many things have to arrange and co-ordinate in order to boost SEO ranking and get indexed on the top position of search engine result pages (SERPs).

Off-page SEO helps you to improve your site’s popularity, domain score, and authority score. These are relevant factors that you need to improve in case you need a better ranking score on Google.

Of course, anybody can improve these determination factors, by taking an adequate step outside the website such as creating social media accounts to push the traffic flow, email marketing for reaching into the extra targeted audience, and taking some backlink building strategies by exchanging links from one site to another.

In short, off-page SEO includes all the actions that take place later a content published to the world wide web, and most importantly building more trustworthy linking from high reputation attained websites.

The Best SEO Tools to Boost Ranking on Google

Nowadays, boosting the SEO score is not a risky business. There are plenty of free and paid tools are available on the internet to identify SEO errors of a web page and work with the recommendations in order to resolve the issues and get ranked higher positions on Google.

Here are the best two tools. Though they have limitations in the free plan, you can use it to a great extent.

1. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is one of the best all-in-one SEO tools, which has many unique features such as SEO analyzer, keyword difficulty finder, backlink checking, SEO health check-up, traffic overview, content ideas, and many more.

This stunning tool has a free plan. You can try the entire system for 7 days (Free) or use it freely with certain limitations as long as you wish. For business purposes, this tool is highly recommended.

2. Semrush

Semrush is an online SEO tool and the perfect for all SEO-related solutions such as competitive research, difficulty analyzer, traffic overview, and many more. Semrush has more than 7 million active marketers word wide, that they trusted and constantly using this stunning service for their SEO marketing purposes.

Try Semrush today for free with some limitations. After you are convinced and need to explore more features and in-depth data of Semrush, go with their paid plans.

Get Traffic with Google SEO: Conclusion

I have only one question for you. Are you ready to deal with these 3 main SEO factors?

If your answer is “YES”, I can bravely say that you can simply drive tons of traffic with Google, organically to your website. No need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to advertise your product or service on the front page of search engines, especially on Google.

SEO makes everything simple if you are ready to work with SEO in a well-disciplined manner.

Understand the basics enlisted above and work accordingly for the best possible result.

Note that SEO with Google may take time to get crawled, indexed, and finally ranked your content on the higher position of search result pages (SERPs). So, patience is mandatory until Google takes its own time to consider your content to be properly ranked.

You may also need to change your strategies according to Google’s occasional algorithm changes.

Have great success in your SEO marketing! Cheers!...

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A. Rishad


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